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Resourcing schools to support education

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Providing schools and teachers with the resources for children to thrive

A well-resourced school gives every child the opportunity of a better education. Hope4Malawi's feeding programmes enable children to attend school, remain healthy and concentrate in class. We also provide school study books, to read and borrow, which improves knowledge and learning. 


Through the provision of desks and supporting teachers we create better classroom spaces and great learning environments. And by developing e-learning we open up opportunities for teaching and learning. Hope and excellence drive development!

Food for the body

Feeding Programme Plus

Lunch, plus a means of cooking it, is not a big deal to us. But, for families in rural Blantyre, where the average wage is £2 a day, many children go for days without a nutritious meal. Additionally, many children do not have enough exercise books or pens to be able to write things down, so recap and revision are impossible. 


It costs just £15 per child per year to provide a nutritious mug of porridge for breakfast, enabling a child can get the most out of school.


We partner with Hope4Development in Blantyre to provide 'Feeding Programme Plus' for the children at our partner feeder schools.


A nutritious meal each school day, along with other learning resources, brings hope and is transformational, both in the short term and for the area's long-term development. The impact is:


  • More children enrolled at school.

  • An improvement in concentration and the ability to learn.

  • Greater success at school.


Please help Hope4Malawi to provide school meals and resources for more children in rural primary schools.



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Food for the mind

Providing vital school resources

Schools in rural Blantyre are under-resourced. Most lack enough school desks, chairs, text books, reading books, teaching aids or digital learning.


Providing resources makes a huge difference to teachers and students, and improves the success rates at school.


In primary feeder schools like Chipwepwete and Mpemba, where we have already provided these resources, teachers are more motivated and the learners enjoy their classes and perform better.


Many children still sit on the floor during lessons, and having a desk transforms learning. Hope4Malawi aims to equip all classrooms with desks in 2025. 


Please consider funding a desk for a child who currently sits on the floor.

Food for the soul

Providing assemblies and clubs

Hope4Malawi cares for every school child irrespective of their faith. We want each learner to grow up knowing they have an important role in their community. Also, that they are taught integrity and grow to become honest and loving adults.


Importantly, we want to help children to gain confidence so they can bring positive change and development to their communities. 


Hope4Malawi facilitates assemblies and clubs in schools which build these qualities. As Christians, we believe that Jesus brings salvation and provides us with his Holy Spirit, which means that we can live this kind of life.

We also help school communities address gender issues and role models. Particular focus is given to helping girls attend school in environments where early marriage and teenage pregnancy is prevalent, and menstruation is a taboo subject.


Biking not hiking!

Pedal power saves miles for teachers

Teachers working in rural schools often have long distances to walk each day on difficult terrain. For instance, Chipwepwete primary school is 5km from the nearest tar road and market where most teachers live. Getting to school takes over two hours each way to walk! It is challenging and tiring.
Seven teachers at Chipwepwete now have bicycles funded by one of our partners - Trinity School, Croydon.
The bikes have already had a huge impact on the teachers who now arrive on time in the mornings and don’t miss school. This also has an impact on student punctuality. And this in turn positively affects learning and performance.


We would like to provide bikes for teachers at other remote schools who live a long way from school.

Online learning

Education gets a tech boost

The massive disruption in education caused by Covid-19 has hit rural communities the hardest. Most learners have no access to online learning and few have text books at home.


Malawi Learning Partnership has developed an app which, when complete, will enable access to the entire Malawi primary curriculum. With videos and slideshows from Malawian teachers, quizzes, diagrams and illustrations, the app makes learning interesting and accessible to children when they are not in school.


We are excited to partner with Malawi Learning Partnership and the Ministry of Education in Malawi to bring learning to children in a new way. 


The app can be used in under resourced schools so children can continue with their education despite a lack of teachers, or as a revision tool.

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100% of your donation goes to the project you choose
Building their future

Breakfast, bikes for teachers, desks, books, solar lamps, exercise books, computers and e-learning. All these things improve a child's ability to access a great education, giving them hope for a better future.




For a one-off gift direct to our Hope4malawi account,

please transfer to


Sort code 40-52-40

Account no 00022888


 For one-off gifts you can donate through the CAF secure payment link below

Regular giving

 To set up a regular gift please complete the form on the link below

Talk to us

 If you’d like to fund or part fund a particular project, please contact

Mark: 07951 956613, or


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